Europe, with Italy leading the way, is among the top processing tomato producers in the world. And it’s one of the fairest too. Farmers and processors work hard and closely to provide you with fresh, ethical, and sustainable tomato products.

Since 2015, we’ve been working to make a positive impact on the ecosystem and our community by leveraging the regenerative power of nature, implementing resource-saving technologies, and giving a voice to everybody within our organization. Today, the EU-funded Tomato SAUCE project aims at communicating what purpose-driven farming is. That’s why we launched our campaign, “Grounded in Sustainability. European Tomatoes Grow Full of Purpose”.

Do you also think that sustainable tomatoes taste better? Be part of the change.

What European customers want

0 %
of Europeans consider sustainability to be either quite or very important when making decisions about the food they eat ¹
0 %
of the European population wants to know more about the supply chain behind the products they purchase ²
0 %
of consumers are changing purchase preferences based on social, economic, and environmental impact ³⁻⁴
0 %
of executives pointed to an increase in customer loyalty as a key benefit from sustainability initiatives ³⁻⁴

[1] Source: 2019 Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC)

[2] Source: 2020 Innova Market Insights

[3-4] Source: 2020 Consumer Products and Retail Report by Capgemini

Introducing the Taste You Can Trust

Our tomatoes grow and taste naturally different, within the EU regulations. And we do even more! Get to know how.

Watch the docuseries

Meet the OI Pomodoro del Nord Italia

OI Pomodoro da Industria del Nord Italia is the interbranch organization for processing tomatoes in Northern Italy. We bring together 13 producer organizations (POs) and 20 processing companies (PCs) from Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont, and the province of Bolzano. Each year, our 2,000 farmers grow tomatoes on 37,000 hectares of land. We produce 2.8 million tonnes of top-notch tomato concentrates, pulps, and purees from their harvest. In our shared governance model, we make everybody’s voice heard and prioritize fair play, resource-saving innovations, and meticulous control. We account for 25% of the European processed tomatoes production.

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